CALIFORNIA: WhatsApp Security Issues regarding spam and harmful links will be solved easily now by this new feature. WhatsApp named this security feature “Safety Screen,” which helps users check where a link comes from before they click on it, making it easier to spot dangerous links.
This update of WhatsApp will focus more on safety and security issues, like back in 2019 vulnerability that allowed spyware to be installed through a phone call.
The WhatsApp Security Screen will provide all details about the sender, which may include their profile and country code, especially when receiving messages from unknown contacts. So, if users find them dangerous they can report or block them.
WhatsApp Safety Screen Feature
New Safety Screen feature to Check Links

Currently, this feature is available in the WhatsApp beta for Android and will be released to everyone in a future update.
Although users can already search links, WhatsApp is making the process more comprehensive and straightforward with the inclusion of a “safety screen” that pops up with information on how to perform the search. Users can search for more details about the link, or just search the message text itself. By improving the feature, WhatsApp wants to make it easier for people to identify links that contain harmful content before committing to opening them.
This will help avoid further vulnerability fiascos like one from 2019 when it was revealed that spyware could be installed in WhatsApp by calling a number. And no, the person on the other end of the line didn’t even need to answer.
WhatsApp Security Issues for the link search feature will be also improved, allowing users to search for links or messages to verify if they are safe. This change helps users make better decisions before clicking on links.
While WhatsApp has been criticized for privacy issues, these updates show its commitment to improving security for users. The release date for the Safety Screen feature hasn’t been announced yet, but users can try it early by joining the WhatsApp beta program on the Google Play Store.